dear nikki,
it's strange,
i found myself cry when read that note,
not because it's a good note, no, it's REALLY a good note, but,
i cry because something else
maybe it because them
yeah them
you must be know who's they are, ne, nikki-san
but no, they're not here.
they're there, far far away on my past
they're stuck in there
they can't find a way to follow my back
they can't go on because they lost
and it's me that make them lost their way
there's no way they could go on,
there's no way they could chase me
even if i hope so
they've erase me from their mind
no, maybe that's not true
maybe they wasn't erase me
maybe i'm not even there from the first
because they have their own place from the first, and even i tried to enter that place, at the end, i never can reach that place
i feel it
we're not same
we're live on differrent world
but have you ever visit my world? because i've tried visit your world THOUSAND TIMES but it's useless
we're differrent
and we're not going to be together anymore